普通會員 第10年 企業信息未核實
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NKC6474 NKC164-1/2H銅合金沖壓加工
更新時間︰2023-08-17 11:20出處︰中金網 瀏覽次數︰1 | 文字大小︰

NKC6474 NKC164-1/2H銅合金沖壓加工


(1) 優異的物理、化學性能 純銅導電性、導熱性很好,銅合金的導電、導熱性也很好。銅及銅合金對大氣和水的抗蝕能力很高。銅是抗磁性物質。

(2) 良好的加工性能 塑性很好,容易冷、熱成形;鑄造銅合金有很好的鑄造性能。

(3) 具有某些特殊機械性能 例如優良的減摩性和耐磨性(如青銅及部分黃銅),高的 性很限和疲勞很限(如鈹青銅等)。

(4) 色澤美觀 2、(紫銅)

H5115 / H2207  Japanese standard, JIS SS 5640-15 (Cu Pb10 Sn10), CC495K

LM’s comparison list between different

norms from Copper alloys

Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand

column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor

differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.

With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.

Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry

JM 1  Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard  Rg7 (Cu Sn7 Zn4 Pb7), CC493K

JM 2  Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard  SS 5443-15 (Cu Sn10), CC480K

JM 3  Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard  SS 5465-15 (Cu Sn12)


