普通會員 第10年 企業信息未核實
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NKC388 EH NKC4419-H強度高高精度銅帶
更新時間︰2023-08-17 11:18出處︰中金網 瀏覽次數︰1 | 文字大小︰

NKC388 EH NKC4419-H強度高高精度銅帶




Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand

column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor

differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.

With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.

Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry

UZ23 A4  French standard / AFNOR  SS 5234 (Cu Zn25 Al 5, SoMsF75), CC762S

UZ40 Mn  French standard / AFNOR CW710R (Cu Zn35 Ni3 Mn2 Al Pb, Sonderm.)

UNI-CuAl11Fe4Ni4  Italian standard / UNI 5275-63  SS 5716-15, SS 5716-20, AB-220 Ni

UNI-OTS 56A / 56B  Italian standard / UNI 6139-68  CW710R (Cu Zn35 Ni3 Mn2 Al Pb, Sonderm.)

UNI-BS Zn5  Italian standard / UNI 7013-72  SS 5204-15 (Cu Sn5 Pb5 Zn5), CC491K

UNI-B10  Italian standard / UNI 7013-72  SS 5443-15 (Cu Sn10), CC480K


例如,采用的長網造紙機,它要將制好的紙漿噴到快速運動的具有細小網孔( 40∼60目)的網布上。網布由黃銅和磷青銅絲編織而成,它的寬度很大,一般在20英尺(6米)以上,要求保持完全平直。網布在一系列小的黃銅或銅輥子上運動,當帶著噴附其上的紙漿通過時,濕氣從下面空吸出去。