LM’s comparison list between different
norms from Copper alloys
Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand
column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor
differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.
管道 太陽能加熱裝置的平板集熱器等導熱器材。銅中含氧(煉銅時容易混入少量氧)對導電率影響很大,用于電氣工業的銅一般都必須是無氧銅。另外,鉛、銻、鉍等雜質會使銅的結晶不能結合在一起,造成熱脆,也會影響純銅的加工。這種純度很高的純銅,一般用電解法精制︰把不純銅(即粗銅)作陽很,純銅作陰很,以硫酸銅溶液為電解液。當電流通過後,陽很上不純的銅逐漸熔解,純銅便逐漸沉澱在陰很上。這樣精制而得的銅;純度可達99.99%。
錳黃銅具有優異的力學性能、鑄造性能、切削性能以及成本低廉,成為螺旋槳的主要制造材料之一。錳黃銅除了用于制造螺旋槳外,還可用于制造汽車同步器齒環、軸承套、齒輪、冷凝器、閘門閥等。但是在污染海水中,錳黃銅會發生脫Zn 腐蝕,而且耐空泡腐蝕的性能也較差,導致錳黃銅螺旋槳易發生腐蝕疲勞斷裂。而銅-鋯二元相圖表明,鋯加入錳黃銅中會先析出Cu5Zr 或Cu3Zr 強化相,作為後續的形核質點,起到細晶強化的作用。研制了一種新型鋯微合金化錳黃銅,測試分析了其硬度、微觀組織、均勻腐蝕性能、電化學腐蝕性能、摩擦性能以及力學性能的變化 [1] 。
With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.
Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry
JM 1 Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard Rg7 (Cu Sn7 Zn4 Pb7), CC493K
JM 2 Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard SS 5443-15 (Cu Sn10), CC480K