YCuT-F-EH MX96-EH銅合金強度好耐加工
NS 16540 Norwegian standard / NS SS 5640-15 (Cu Pb10 Sn10), CC495K
NS 16544 Norwegian standard / NS Cu Pb20 Sn 5, (Cu Sn5 Pb20-V), CC497K
NS 16550 Norwegian standard / NS SS 5144 (Cu Zn33 Pb2), CC750S
NS 16554 Norwegian standard / NS SS 5253 (Cu Zn39 Pb2 Al), CB754S, CC754S
NS 16565 Norwegian standard / NS SS 5256 (Cu Zn35 Al1), ~CW710R (CuZn35Ni2)
NS 16570-15 Norwegian standard / NS SS 5716-15 (Cu Al10 Ni5 Fe4 F70), AB-200
NS 16570-20 Norwegian standard / NS SS 5716-20 (Cu Al10 Ni5 Fe4 F74), AB-220 Ni
LM’s comparison list between different
通過錳黃銅在3.5%NaCl 溶液中經均勻腐蝕後的表面SEM 形貌可以看出,鋯微合金化和未合金化的錳黃銅均發生了腐蝕,並有一些凹坑。不同的是,未合金化的錳黃銅表面出現明顯凸出表面的塊狀組織以及相對較多、較大的凹坑。
說明α 固溶體腐蝕程度較輕,腐蝕主要發生在β 相和κ 相中。鋯微合金化的錳黃銅表面塊狀組織以及凹坑均很少。說明鋯微合金化的鑄態錳黃銅在3.5% NaCl 溶液中的耐蝕性能更好 [2] 。
通過未合金化和鋯微合金化錳黃銅在室溫3.5%NaCl 溶液中的動電位很化曲線。以及自腐蝕電位、腐蝕電流密度和腐蝕速率數值。可以看出,二者都發生了鈍化,但是鋯微合金化錳黃銅的鈍化電流密度更大。可以看出,鋯微合金化錳黃銅的自腐蝕電位比未微合金化的高,說明前者的腐蝕傾向更低。可能是由于錳黃銅中的κ 相(富鐵相)發生了剝落,留下了自腐蝕電位較正的α 相即富銅相,在鋯微合金化錳黃銅中的α相更細,數量更多,從而使自腐蝕電位發生了正移。
norms from Copper alloys
Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand
column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor
differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.
With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.