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CW101C CuBe2銅合金沖壓銅帶
更新時間︰2023-05-06 12:10出處︰中金網 瀏覽次數︰1 | 文字大小︰

CW101C CuBe2銅合金沖壓銅帶

LM’s comparison list between different

norms from Copper alloys

Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand

column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor differences.

The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.

With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.

Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry

Cu Sn6  German standard / DIN 17662, Zinnbronzen  Cu Sn6, CW452K


通過未合金化和鋯微合金化錳黃銅在室溫3.5%NaCl 溶液中的動電位很化曲線。以及自腐蝕電位、腐蝕電流密度和腐蝕速率數值。可以看出,二者都發生了鈍化,但是鋯微合金化錳黃銅的鈍化電流密度更大。可以看出,鋯微合金化錳黃銅的自腐蝕電位比未微合金化的高,說明前者的腐蝕傾向更低。可能是由于錳黃銅中的κ 相(富鐵相)發生了剝落,留下了自腐蝕電位較正的α 相即富銅相,在鋯微合金化錳黃銅中的α相更細,數量更多,從而使自腐蝕電位發生了正移。

采用傳統Tafel 擬合計算得出腐蝕速率。與未微合金化的錳黃銅相比,鋯微合金化的錳黃銅腐蝕速率降低了74.5%,說明其電化學耐蝕性更好。



